One to One or small group Coaching

£24 for a 45 minute session
can get in touch by clicking here

Cuzza Cricket Camps 

At Alderley Edge Cricket Club

non members are welcome

Appreciate early notice where possible so can assess numbers and age ranges

 From 9 till 4pm 
(half days from 9 till 12.15 or 12.45 till 4pm) 

6 to 13 year olds
May attend the Camps for however many days or half days you would like.

 1 day is £25 (half days £12.50)
2 days in a week £45
3 days in a week £65
4 days in a week £85
5 days in a week £95

Limited places also subject to demand each day.

To make a cricket camp booking click here

 Cuzza Cricket
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